The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra was launched in January with a 200-megapixel quad rear camera setup. Now, early leaks have revealed that next year's Galaxy S25 Ultra will get a major camera overhaul. According to reports, Samsung will experiment with three rear cameras instead of four on next year's flagship. The upcoming model may lack the current phone's 10-megapixel telephoto sensor with 3x optical zoom. It may have a 200-megapixel primary sensor
Tipster Sperandio 4Tech (@ISAQUES81) at X claims the Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra is being tested with three rear cameras—a main sensor, an ultra-wide unit, and a periscope zoom setup. The smartphone major has reportedly dropped the 10-megapixel 3x optical zoom telephoto sensor from next year's flagship. It will be a big hardware change from its predecessor, the Galaxy S24 will get a 200-megapixel ultra-wide camera, a 12-megapixel ultra-wide shooter, a 5-megapixel telephoto shooter and a 10-megapixel shooter with a 5-. . Megapixel sensor. Increase the optical zoom
The Galaxy S25 Ultra prototype is said to have a 200-megapixel main camera, but the ability to capture light could be improved. The same 12-megapixel ultrawide lens remains and will not change at this prototype stage. Testing a periscope camera with a large sensor and variable zoom Samsung is testing a periscope camera with two fixed focal lengths, the first between 4x and 5x zoom and the second between 6x and 7x zoom.
Since this is a prototype we are talking about, it is advisable to treat this rumor with a pinch of salt. Some leaks claim that the Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra will receive minor changes compared to its predecessor.
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