Xiaomi, marking its tenth anniversary in India, has introduced a special edition of its popular smartphone in collaboration with the Argentina Football Association (AFA). The Redmi Note 13 Pro+ 5G World Champions Edition celebrates the spirit of football with a unique design and exclusive features that resonate with fans of the sport. This limited edition model not only commemorates a decade of Xiaomi's presence in India but also honors Argentina's victory in the 2022 FIFA World Cup.
The only 12GB RAM + 512GB storage variant of the Redmi Note 13 Pro+ 5G World Champions Edition is priced at Rs 37,999. It will be available from May 15 across multiple platforms including Flipkart, Amazon, Xiaomi retail stores and Mi.com. Xiaomi sweetens this offer by offering Rs 3,000 instant discount on ICICI Bank Card payments and an additional Rs 3,000 exchange bonus, making it a must-buy for tech lovers and football enthusiasts alike.
The Redmi Note 13 Pro+ 5G World Champions Edition features an attractive dual-tone back panel adorned with blue and white stripes, echoing the iconic colors of the Argentina national football team. A notable feature is the number "10" engraved on the back, a nod to legendary footballer Lionel Messi's jersey number. The aesthetics of the smartphone are enhanced by AFA branding and the inscription "Campeon Mundial 22", which adds a touch of exclusivity.
In addition to the unique design, the phone comes with AFA-branded accessories such as a custom blue charging cable and adapter, both emblazoned with the AFA logo. Even the SIM ejector tool is creatively designed in the shape of a football, featuring the association's symbol, making every aspect of the phone special for football fans.
The phone has a powerful setup that ensures high performance that is ideal for both gaming enthusiasts and everyday users. The special edition model offers a customized user interface with unique icons and wallpapers that complement its football theme.
This launch not only strengthens Xiaomi's portfolio but also appeals to a wide range of consumers including tech enthusiasts and sports fans. With its stylish design, powerful features and exclusive football-themed accessories, the Redmi Note 13 Pro+ 5G World Champion Edition is more than just a smartphone – it's a collectible that celebrates football and technology together.
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