Poco F6 5G will be unveiled in India later this month. The company has announced the launch date of the handset and teased its design. Poco has confirmed the availability details of the upcoming phone. The key specifications of the phone have already been discussed before the rumor spread. It is believed to be a rebranded version of the Redmi Turbo 3, which was launched in China in April this year. The Poco F6 5G is expected to share its design and specifications with the Redmi model.
Poco India has confirmed that the Poco F6 5G will launch in India on May 23 at 4:30 PM IST. The company's social media handle shared a teaser of the upcoming smartphone with the tagline "God Mode On". The rear panel of the handset is also visible in the teaser, which reveals the layout of the camera unit.
The Poco F6 5G houses a ring-shaped flash unit as well as two cameras housed in separate, slightly raised, circular modules. The engraving on the panel confirms that the phone will have a 50-megapixel camera with optical image stabilization (OIS). A Flipkart microsite for the handset has also gone live, confirming the handset's eventual availability on the e-commerce site.
Poco F6 5G's rear camera system layout design is similar to Redmi Turbo 3. The color seen in the teaser is also reminiscent of the Ice Titanium variant of the Redmi model. The Redmi Turbo 3 has been launched in China at CNY 1,999 (roughly Rs. 23,000) for the base 12GB + 256GB variant. It is also available in 12GB + 512GB, 16GB + 512GB and 16GB + 1TB variants.
The Poco F6 5G is likely to launch in India with a Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 SoC, a 6.7-inch 120Hz 1.5K OLED display with Corning Gorilla Glass Victus protection, a 20-megapixel selfie shooter and a 5,000mAh battery with Quick Charge 9 support. , , it was recently spotted on Geekbench with 12GB RAM and Android 14-based OS.
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