The Samsung Galaxy Book 4 was launched in India on Friday, March 22 As well as the Galaxy Book 4 Pro is this model, Galaxy Book 4 360, and Galaxy Book 4 Pro 360 which were launched in the country in February this year. Unlike previous models though, the new laptop is not powered by an Intel Core Ultra processor. However, the Galaxy Book 4 comes with its own AI-powered features that help with various tasks like photo remastering or video editing. It is available for purchase in the country in two color options and different CPU and RAM variants.
The Galaxy Book 4 sports a 15.6-inch full-HD (1,920 x 1,080
pixels) LED anti-glare screen. It is powered by an Intel Core 7 processor 150U
CPU paired with up to 16GB of LPDDR4x RAM and 512GB of NVMe SSD storage, which
is expandable up to 1TB. It comes pre-installed with Windows 11 Home. The
laptop has an AI-backed photo remaster tool, which allows users to restore old
photos or even revive low-quality photos. It can be used to modify elements of
an image such as removing unwanted lighting and shadows. The device also has a
built-in Galaxy Video Editor.
Users can connect their Galaxy smartphones to the Samsung
Galaxy Book 4 to experience better webcam quality. The feature uses a Samsung
Galaxy smartphone's camera sensor as a webcam instead of the 720p inbuilt
camera. The feature was first announced by the company in January this year.
The Galaxy Book 4 is backed by a 54Wh battery with support
for 45W charging via the USB Type-C port. The laptop supports Wi-Fi 6 and
Bluetooth 5.2 connectivity. For security, it has a fingerprint reader. It has
one HDMI, two USB Type-C, and two USB 3.2 ports, as well as a microSD card
reader, an audio jack, and an RJ45 (LAN) slot. The body of the Galaxy Book 4
weighs 1.55kg and measures 35.66cm x 22.91cm x 1.54cm in size.
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